Saturday, April 3, 2010


While I'd like to see myself as a free spirit, that's not really true as often as I'd wish it was. I love knowing what to expect and planning and traditions and anniversaries. They bring me comfort. On my way home tonight I remembered that it was one year ago today that I took Buster home for a trial run from the rescue group where I'd found him. He was already being placed for adoption but that didn't work out and one Friday afternoon I got a call asking if I wanted to come the next day to pick him up and 'see how it goes'. So I did.

I remember being both nervous and excited. I was already planning to meet Devon for a run at town lake so I called her, with a slight alteration in our plan and Buster (then Bruno) and I joined her. He and I have had a whirlwind year together for sure. But I think we're in a good place now and I truly can't imagine my life without him. I think Max would be proud of me and grateful that another dog gets the luxuries his life had.

In the theme of anniversaries, I also realized that it was 6 months ago this week when I first started talking to my mom about buying a house. As my first blog post recapped, it was a mere 6 weeks later that I closed on this house and I still feel like this has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. But oh how times have changed. The things that I think about and know (and spend money on) now vs. 6 months ago are quite different. To name a few:

1. Staring at people's houses when walking Buster, deciding what I want to do next on my house.
2. Watching House Hunters
3. Knowing the average costs for blinds, appliances and tankless hot water heaters
4. Tuning in when real estate topics are discussed on the news
5. Quoting interest rates and APRs
6. Convincing my renting friends that buying a home is a 'great investment'
7. Watering my yard and getting annoyed when I see some dog poop in my front yard that is certainly not Buster's
8. Wondering what my next blog post will be about (the fact that I blog still feels surreal)

And I'm sure there are many other things my friends and family would say that I do and say that I never did before. But that's ok. I like Homeowner Mellie. Next she'll deal with my leaking washing machine.

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