Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Long Time, No Post

Well I don't have much to report on my house. It's still great and I love coming home to it but I haven't done anything in weeks. I'm afraid this may be the first month I don't get a housing project done but since there were some months were I got more than one done, we're just going to call it even.

I have been focused on trying to keep my grass green. And when I say 'I', I mean the guy that I'm paying to take care of my yard. So far, so good. It's still green and getting mowed regularly so I think of that as a success. Until I get my water bill and decide that it isn't worth it.

Tonight was a big night for me, though. I got in the pool for the first time since last Fall. It was both exhausting and exciting! I was happy to see that I didn't forget how to swim and still love it but certainly got tired much sooner than I used to. So I've definitely got to build up my endurance again while I focus on not running for the next few months.

So that's about it for me. I'm honored that so many people have told me that they miss my blog. I wish I had something more creative or exciting to report on. Perhaps after my vacation next week to San Diego with Lucie (and Chris and Missy of course, too). At the very least I'll have some adorable pictures to share.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Where in the world is Mellie?

Here I am!
Where is that you may ask?

Well, right now I'm sitting in a hotel room in Phoenix, Arizona.

Doing what you may ask?

Attending a social work conference and presenting on the work I do at LAF.

Where else has Mellie been and where is she going next? Well, this should be fun.....

So, last weekend I was in Vegas for Haley's bachelorette party. Look, here we are. All dolled up and ready for another (very late) night on the town. I had such a great time but spent more money than I ever want to speak of and got less sleep than I normally do in one night. But I wouldn't change that for the world.

I was home for a mere 30 hours and am now, as previously stated, back to the desert. My poor sleep and skin can't take the time changes and dry air. I look forward to getting back to Austin tomorrow. My mom is in town for the weekend and then, next Wednesday, I leave again.
Suffice it to say in the next two months I'll be in Tampa, NYC, San Diego, L.A., D.C, Alabama and San Francisco. All great places to go but I'm tired just thinking about it.

So I've had no time to do anything around my house, much less clean it or sleep in my own bed. I'm not complaining, though, just letting you know why I have been a remiss blogger lately.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Letter To An Old Friend

Dear Acne,

Here you are. Again. Why? I thought we broke things off for good last time? We never saw eye to eye. You never understand my feelings and were insensitive and only put your needs first. Your timing was always the worst. Yet, you've come back. Again.

How is it that you know me so well to push my buttons? To arrive just before a vacation? Or when I'm about to go on a first date (no, mom, I'm not going on a first date this week). But I've had it. It's time we went our separate ways. For good.

I know plenty of young teens who would tolerate you. Who would think it was just part of growing up. But I know better. And I don't have to take your abuse anymore. So while I know we've known each other for a long time and maybe you think this is heartless and cruel, it's time for both of us to move on. Forever.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Getting Things Done

It's true what they say. You are never finished with home projects. I'm lucky that most of mine are by choice. Despite the occasional washing machine issue, most of my 'projects' are by choice; for decoration.

But there are some days when I feel like my list is only getting longer. I love a to-do list but it's also disappointing when I look and see that nothing got checked off. Lately, life has felt particularly busy and I get nothing else done but work and sleep. So maybe I need to manage my expectations a bit and modified my list during these busy times.

So here's what I propose when I'm feeling busy and not getting the 'extra' stuff done:

1. Go to work - check
2. Keep Buster alive - check
3. Shower - check
4. Laundry - check

Sound good?