Saturday, February 4, 2012

Playing House

This week Carl and I stayed with and took care of Lucie and Audrey for two nights while Chris and Missy were out of town. I had a blast with them and they are such great kids to be around. I learned a few things while staying with them:

1. Don't get dressed in your work clothes until after you feed Audrey (especially when she eats yogurt).
2. Elmo and milk make everything better.
3. Buster and Carl are clearly Lucie's favorite visitors (in that order).
4. Audrey will agree to just about anything.
5. Lucie and Audrey love bacon just as much as their Tia Mellie.

Lucie's also so funny and talkative now. One night, while putting her to bed, the following conversation happened:

L: (pointing to my engagement ring) 'What's that for?'
M: 'Well, Carl gave it to me because we're going to get married'
L: 'I'm married'
M: 'You are?'
L: 'Yes and so are Mommy and Daddy and Audrey'

Yep, that sounds about right......

Until next time and more adorable niece snuggle time, I'll miss them.

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