Tuesday, April 5, 2011

West Texas

For those of you not from Texas, you have to understand how large this state is. It's been a real adjustment for me since I come from a state where you can drive to 3 or 4 different states in less than half a day. Despite the fact that Texas is bordered by some water (the gulf only sort of counts) I feel pretty land locked at times.

In the 7 years I've lived here, I've hit the major cities - Dallas, San Antonio, Houston - but have never driven more than an hour west of Austin (which is fairly central in the state).

Until this past weekend....

There's a small town in West Texas (note: small is a population of 2000 people) called Marfa. Since I've been in Austin, I've heard about this cool, hip town that is about 7 hours west of Austin. Where there are great restaurants and cool art museums.

So Carl and I decided to check it out. It was 2 months out that we had to book our place at El Cosmico, a cool 'hotel' of restored vintage trailers.

So Carl, Buster and I hit the road early last Friday morning and spent the weekend in Marfa. I'll admit I was a bit underwhelmed when we pulled into the town. While I knew it would be small I thought it would a little more exciting looking.

But once we spent some time there I can see the charm. The food we ate was great, especially on Friday night at Cochineal and overall it was a very relaxing weekend. We slept great, enjoyed leisurely mornings with coffee, the nights staring at stars in an amazing black sky and hit the road back East on Sunday morning. Not before a swim in a cold springs just outside of town.

While I don't think I need to go back to Marfa (since we did pretty much everything there was to do) I'm so glad we went. It was also the first trip Carl and I have taken just the two of us. It was great to know we can spend so much time together and not get sick of each other. In fact, it makes me love him even more, knowing how easy he is to be around whether we're silent or joking around. So even if Marfa wasn't quite what I imagined, I'll remember it for so many other reasons.


  1. Did Buster take the picture of you and Carl together?

  2. Ha ha, I thought the same thing! He's getting good with his photos! :) Super cute, you two (3?)!
