Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wedding Updates

After a couple of months of some procrastination, I've finally started to put my wedding planning into high gear. I'll admit, I did a lot right away; however I felt like there were a couple of months where I did nothing.  Part of it was that I didn't know where to start so I felt paralyzed. While I'm not a procrastinator by nature, I can be when I have to do something that I've never done before. So while I love to organize and plan, planning a wedding is a whole new ball game. One that, while exciting and amazing, is also daunting and overwhelming. There are so many choices. So many costs. How does one decide? Well having your girlfriends over for food and wine helps.  My friends were great and indulged me in brainstorming and note taking.  Thanks to them, I've gotten a lot done in the past few weeks and have some good plans on the horizon.  This past weekend I went out to the land with Carl and worked on a craft project for the wedding that involved using an electric saw and cutting some of the trees that Carl removed from the land where our reception will be. I don't want to give away all the cute secrets of our wedding but I promise this was a labor of love.

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