Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Year Later....

Carl and I celebrated our one year anniversary this past weekend. It's hard to believe that it's been one year since our first date - burgers at lunch on a cold Friday afternoon (yes, he was still wearing flip flops). But what a great year it's been!

We didn't do much to celebrate this weekend since we were with his family in Houston but that was just as important to me. I've met them all several times now but this was the first time to spend an entire weekend with them and to celebrate a holiday. His family is very different than mine - bigger and louder for sure - but also so loving and kind (that's not the part that's different from mine). I feel like a part of their family when I'm with them and so appreciate that.

I actually think that Stewart Family Christmas is much like Carroll Family Christmas, which is my mom's side of the family. She, too, is one of 5 children and there were 12 grandchildren (to the Stewart's current 7). I have such fond memories of my childhood holidays with all my aunts, uncles and cousins, that maybe that's why it all felt so comfortable and familiar.

I also now have a better idea of how my parents probably coped with the chaos - wine! I had enough to put me to bed (with the lights on) by 10pm. Feeling great the next morning, though, we headed back to Austin. I'm just grateful that I ran my 6 mile run before the wine drinking started.

I won't make this a sappy blog post about how great Carl is and how happy I am that he's in my life but suffice it to say we're in a great place and I look forward to many more years with him.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


As previously described, I'm a big fan of traditions, especially around the holidays. Some traditions I have with my friends include volunteering with Coats for Kids. I try to find ways to regularly volunteer and this is one event that I really enjoy and look forward to giving my time to. Both Haley and Devon are in the Junior League, which puts on the event every year. It's a great chance to support those in the Austin community who may not have coats to keep their kids warm. I know, it's a bit ironic to worry about coats in Austin, but we have had a cold spell already and our blood is thin here! I need coats (at least 10...)

So Kelsey, Devon, Haley and I started our weekend with an early wake up call to volunteer. I'm already committed to next year and can't wait until Devon and Haley take over this committee and make tons of improvements!

The next tradition this weekend was watching the movie Love Actually. For the past several years, my girlfriends and I have gotten together to watch this movie, all while wearing comfy clothes and eating junk food. This year, we decided to make the event bigger and rented out the Alamo for a morning brunch event and invite other friends to join us. To make it more fun, we did a toy drive for Toys for Tots and had a bingo game to fundraise for Jen's half marathon. The whole event was a huge success and I hope we do it, again, next year!

The final (new) tradition this year was some crafting projects at Devon's house. This time we made some hot chocolate mix and mini gingerbread houses. It was tons of fun and I think our houses make a cute little village.

So it was a quite a busy weekend but full of fun things. This coming weekend I'm going with Carl to Houston to celebrate Christmas with his family. I'm looking forward to seeing what their traditions are!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mindfulness Project - November Update

During the month of November my goal was to work on relationships. Admittedly I didn't have a specific goal in mind but I did want to work on reaching out to friends that I don't talk to as much, seeing friends that I don't see as often, spending time with those I love and thinking about my relationships at work. Some of the things I did accomplish were:

1. Beginning to work with a leadership coach at work, which led to the completion of a 360 evaluation from my peers. This was a great way for me to learn what people think of me and put goals into place to continue to grow as a manager and leader.
2. Reaching out to friends, via email and phone, that I may not talk to as often.
3. Being purposeful in spending time with friends, family and loved ones and expressing my gratitude for that time.
4. As previously posted, spending Thanksgiving with Carl and honoring that relationship on our first Thanksgiving.

As always, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have such great relationships but I can always work to do more. I hope my family and friends know how much I appreciate them and the support they constantly provide to me.

Oh Christmas Tree....

Last night, Carl and I put up our Christmas Tree. As you may recall, two years ago (at an amazing end-of-the-year sale) I got a fake tree. While I mourned the loss of real trees and real tree smells, I was reminded last night why I got a fake tree. It's a perfect little tree for my perfect little house.

Carl isn't much into traditions, which is something I'm working to accept but he loves me very much and supports my desire to have traditions. So while I was unpacking the ornaments, he put on some holiday music and hung the lights outside on the front porch.

Even though Carl and I started dating right before Christmas last year (our third date was on Christmas Eve) this is our first big holiday together. To kick it off, we already bought our Christmas gift to each other - a great new, 'fancy' SLR camera! I'm excited to take it on trips, especially our upcoming one to California.